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Acton-Boxborough Youth Soccer

Zero Tolerance

This policy is endorsed by the Board of Directors of Acton Boxborough Youth Soccer and mirrors the policy endorsed by Boston Area Youth Soccer (BAYS).


Adherence to this policy is expected of all Coaches, Parents and Players.

No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee(s) during the game.


· Coaches may ask questions before the game;

· Coaches may call for substitutions;

· Coaches may point out emergencies during the game; and 

· Coaches may respond to the referee(s) if addressed.

Please Note that PARENT, GRANDPARENT, and RELATIVE are nowhere to be found in this summary version of the ZT policy which means they cannot EVER address a referee.  For further clarification, this means that before, during and after a game, no one other than players, and the exceptions noted above, may address referees. 

Additionally, the majority of our referees are 12- to 19-year old boys and girls from our very own community.  It is advised that you to not address them and ask that you consider this question: Would I be okay if some adult that I did not know spoke to MY child this way?

Zero Tolerance Policy

  • All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee. Failure to do so will undermine the referee's authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee, and all the other participants and spectators.
  • Consequently, BAYS and ABYS has adopted and modified the following rules:
    • No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee during or after the game. Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.
    • Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game, no remarks to the referee to watch certain players or attend to rough play. NO YELLING at the referee, EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or feedback of any kind during or after the game.
    • Violators may be ejected and are subject to disciplinary action by the ABYS and/or BAYS Sportsmanship Review Committees.

  • The BAYS Zero Tolerance Guidelines are as follows:

     Zero Tolerance Policy LevelSeverity of ViolationConduct Involved
     0 No issues Everyone well behaved and positive.
     1 Minor Some comments. Did not disrupt enjoyment of game by players or distract referee(s).
     2 Major Significant comments. Did disrupt game. Cautions issued or should have been issued.
     3 Severe Major distractions for referee(s). Ejections for ZT occurred or should have. May or may not have considered terminating the game.


    If coaches or spectators have questions regarding particular calls, rules, or a referee, or wish to give feedback regarding a referee, please go to the Referee Feedback Form. or contact the ABYS President. Contact information may also be found on the Board of Directors page.


Contact Us

Acton-Boxborough Youth Soccer

P.O. Box 745 
Acton, Massachusetts 01720

Email Us: [email protected]
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